Conflict: Desert Storm II: Back to Baghdad (ENG/RIP)

Sort: Third-Person Action 

Section 2 in the arrangement, Back to Baghdad is a squad-based shooter that gets right the latest relevant point of interest. John Bradley, Paul Foley, Mick Connors, and David Jones are back by and by to collaborate and by and by interpretation of Saddam's partners in crime. Regardless of whether it's shielding inviting choppers from foe discharge, the copying oil handle, Iraq's synthetic weapons program, or mystery superguns, there was evidently enough incomplete business left to fill in as the reason for a subsequent game. For the spin-off, the designers enhanced the partner AI and game UI, yet the greatest fascination is by and by the co-employable multiplayer mode. 

Highlights : 

Improved designs, harder adversary ai, more weapons and trigger levels; more than 30 gull-war time weapons to amplifies your strategic alternatives; direction lour tip top squad individuals through can hugelevels of special forces activity. 

Highlights RIP'a : 

* The premise is taken from the permit - SCi Entertainment Group - 

* Audio and Video quality 100% 

* Cut all dialects other than English (voice interface and English) 

* Nothing is changed over 

* Tablet encasing 

* Installation time: 2-3 minutes 

* RIPed by (Dotcom1) 

Framework prerequisites : 

* OS: Microsoft Windows 98/2000/ME/XP 

* Processor: Intel Pentium 3 1.0 GHz or proportionate AMD Athlon 1000 + 

* Ram: 256 MB 

* Video: 3D-designs connector with 64 MB memory, perfect with DirectX ® 8.0 (Nvidia ® GeForce ® 3 or better

* Sound: Sound card perfect with DirectX 8.1 

* Free hard drive space: 1.2 GB 

* DirectX 9.0c 

* console and mouse 

Size : 1 GB 


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